Results for 'Electra P. Papaconstantinou'

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  1.  49
    Smartphone Applications for Educating and Helping Non-motivating Patients Adhere to Medication That Treats Mental Health Conditions: Aims and Functioning.Angelos P. Kassianos, Giorgos Georgiou, Electra P. Papaconstantinou, Angeliki Detzortzi & Rob Horne - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:223094.
    Background: Patients prescribed with medication that treats mental health conditions benefit the most compared to those prescribed with other types of medication. However, they are also the most difficult to adhere. The development of mobile health (mHealth) applications (‘apps’) to help patients monitor their adherence is fast growing but with limited evidence on their efficacy. There is no evidence on the content of these apps for patients taking psychotropic medication. The aim of this study is to identify and evaluate the (...)
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  2.  32
    Euripides, Electra 567–8 And Alcestis 1126–7.P. T. Stevens - 1946 - The Classical Review 60 (03):101-102.
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  3. Fictional Truth and Make-Believe.Dimitria Electra Gatzia & Eric Sotnak - 2014 - Philosophia 42 (2):349-361.
    The statement “Mr. Darcy proposes to Elizabeth” seems true in Jane Austin’s Pride and Prejudice (even though it may not actually appear in the text) while the statement “Mr. Darcy is a detective” seems false. One explanation for this intuition is that when we read or talk about fictional stories, we implicitly employ the fictional operator “It is fictional that” or “It is part of the story that.” “It is fictional that Mr. Darcy proposes to Elizabeth” expresses a true proposition (...)
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    Euripides, Electra 1292–1307.R. P. Winnington-Ingram - 1937 - The Classical Review 51 (02):51-52.
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  5.  42
    Sophocles' Electra (P.J.) Finglass (ed.) Sophocles: Electra. (Cambridge Classical Texts and Commentaries 44.) Pp. xii + 646. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. Cased, £85, US$160. ISBN: 978-0-52186809-. [REVIEW]Hayden Pelliccia - 2009 - The Classical Review 59 (1):34-.
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    Πaphiσ: A Note On Euripides Electra 1023.P. G. Maxwell - 1975 - Classical Quarterly 25 (02):312-.
    as Denniston pointed out in his note on the passage, ‘is difficult’. Various suggestions have been made to explain it, from Kvicala's emendation on the analogy of Medea 923, to Parmentier's note, ‘la joue blanche ou claire, c'est-à-dire en sa fleur de jeunesse’; but none is altogether convincing or satisfactory. May one, then, advance the idea of retaining as the Oxford recension does, not on the ground of faute de mieux, but for the sake of the very striking image it (...)
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  7.  23
    The Manuscript a of Sophocles and its Relation to the Moschopulean Recension.P. E. Easterling - 1960 - Classical Quarterly 10 (1-2):51-.
    Professor Kamerbeek in a recent article raises some interesting questions about the value of the manuscript of Sophocles Parisinus gr. 2712, universally known as A. Ever since the time of Brunck, who was the first to use this manuscript extensively, it has been considered second only to Laurentianus XXXII 9 as a source of correct readings and as a witness of the old, i.e. pre-Byzantine, tradition of Sophocles. But the importance of A has been seriously challenged by Alexander Turyn, who (...)
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  8.  29
    The Electra of Euripides. [REVIEW]A. P. Sinker - 1939 - The Classical Review 53 (5-6):175-176.
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  9.  88
    Sophocles' Electra F. M. Dunn (ed.): Sophocles' “Electra” in Performance. (Drama: Beiträge zum antiken Drama und seiner Rezeption, 4.) Pp. 170. Stuttgart: M & P Verlag für Wissenschaft und Forschung, 1996. Paper, DM 45. ISBN: 3-476-45146-1. [REVIEW]Susanna Phillippo - 1997 - The Classical Review 47 (02):248-250.
  10.  28
    Sophocles' Electra 1074 SQQ.H. G. Viljoen - 1916 - Classical Quarterly 10 (01):1-.
    As far as I know, Kaibel is the only champion of the soundness of our text in this passage. In his edition of the Electra he has the following note : ‘Zu τòν xs22EFxs025Bxs22EF πατρóς ist, wie Haupt gezeigt hat , der Nominal-begriff aus dem Verbum zu ergäanzen, genau wie in μxs22EFανδικxs22EFζxs025Bιν, διττxs22EFν παxs1FD6σαι u. a. statt des Adjektivs steht das durch den Artikel gestützte Adverbium, vgl. Arist. Ran. 191 νxs025Bναυμxs22EFχηκxs025B τxs22EFν πxs025Bρxs22EF τxs22EFν κρxs025Bxs22EFν und das sprüchwörtliche τòν πxs025Bρxs22EF (...)
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  11.  42
    Sophocles, Electra 137–91.C. W. Willink - 1997 - Classical Quarterly 47 (01):299-.
    The familiar crux in line 139, as obelized by Dawe, disappears in the new Oxford Text, whose editors accept the Triclinian reading . Their short critical note touches only on the metrical issue, citing discussions by Stinton and Diggle, in both of which acceptance of here is cautiously linked with recognition of the same responsion at Philoctetes 209/218 and Euripides, Medea 159/183. The note concludes with a reference to p. 75 of an article by K. Itsumi.
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  12.  55
    Truth in Tragedy: When are we Entitled to Doubt a Character's Words?A. Maria van Erp Taalman Kip - 1996 - American Journal of Philology 117 (4):517-536.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Truth in Tragedy:When are we Entitled to Doubt a Character's Words?A. Maria Van Erp Taalman KipIn Sophocles' Electra 563–76 Electra explains what happened at Aulis. Because Agamemnon had shot a stag in Artemis' grove and boasted of his deed, the goddess demanded the sacrifice of his daughter. If he refused, the Greeks would not be allowed to leave Aulis, either to go home or to sail to (...)
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  13.  25
    Lenguaje e historia.Emilio Lledó Iñigo - 1978 - Barcelona: Ariel.
    El que en el presente libro se confronten "lenguaje" e "historia" pretende indicar que una parte especial de los que hemos sido se hace presente como "lenguaje"; pero, además, según se analiza en sus páginas, la función del historiador tuvo, en principio, algo elemental y simple. La misma etimología de la palabra significa alguien a quien se le pide consejo sobre un hecho porque "él vio lo que pasó". Al decir lo que ve, lo que interpreta, el historiador compromete la (...)
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  14. The ethics of piovani, Pietro between pluralism and deontology+ 20th-century italian moral-philosophy.P. Zecchinato - 1984 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 13 (1):3-18.
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  15. Les conséquences sémantiques des explications formelles des théories scientifiques.P. Zeidler - 1988 - Studia Filozoficzne 270:3-17.
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  16. Consciousness: An introduction.P. D. Zelano, M. Moscovitch & E. Thompson - 2007 - In Morris Moscovitch, Philip Zelazo & Evan Thompson (eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Consciousness. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 1--3.
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  17. The reflection of the crisis of German higher education system in Kant analysis of university education.P. Zigman - 1996 - Filozofia 51 (6):372-384.
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  18. The Political Creature.P. ZOLLINGER - 1967
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  19.  28
    Ayn Rand: Fountainhead of Neoliberalism?P. W. Zuidhof - 2012 - Krisis 2012 (1):84-89.
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  20. Causaliteit.P. J. Zwart - 1968 - Assen,: Van Gorcum.
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  21. Het mysterie tijd.P. J. Zwart - 1973 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 35 (2):418-418.
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  22. (1 other version)Can neurobiology teach us anything about consciousness?" Presidential Address to the American Philosophical Associatiojn, Pacific Division.P. S. Churchland - forthcoming - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association. Lancaster Press: Lancaster, Pa.
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  23.  85
    Errors and error correction in choice-response tasks.P. M. Rabbitt - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 71 (2):264.
  24. Scientific controversies: An introduction.P. Machamer, M. Pera & A. Baltas - 2000 - In Peter K. Machamer, Marcello Pera & Aristeidēs Baltas (eds.), Scientific controversies: philosophical and historical perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 3--17.
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    Orienting attention without awareness.P. A. McCormick - 1997 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 23:168-180.
  26.  63
    A Fond Farewell to "Approximate Truth"?P. Kyle Stanford - 2018 - Spontaneous Generations 9 (1):78-81.
    Most commonly, the scientific realism debate is seen as dividing those who do and do not think that the striking empirical and practical successes of at least our best scientific theories indicate with high probability that those theories are ‘approximately true’. But I want to suggest that this characterization of the debate has far outlived its usefulness. Not only does it obscure the central differences between two profoundly different types of contemporary scientific realist, but even more importantly it serves to (...)
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  27. The extent of computation in malament–hogarth spacetimes.P. D. Welch - 2008 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 59 (4):659-674.
    We analyse the extent of possible computations following Hogarth ([2004]) conducted in Malament–Hogarth (MH) spacetimes, and Etesi and Németi ([2002]) in the special subclass containing rotating Kerr black holes. Hogarth ([1994]) had shown that any arithmetic statement could be resolved in a suitable MH spacetime. Etesi and Németi ([2002]) had shown that some relations on natural numbers that are neither universal nor co-universal, can be decided in Kerr spacetimes, and had asked specifically as to the extent of computational limits there. (...)
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  28.  13
    Logic of Knowledge.John W. P. Phillips - 2006 - Theory, Culture and Society 23 (2-3):97-100.
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  29.  23
    Phase-field simulations of magnetic field-induced strain in Ni2MnGa ferromagnetic shape memory alloy.P. P. Wu, X. Q. Ma, J. X. Zhang & L. Q. Chen - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (16):2102-2116.
  30.  48
    A. H. Lachlan. A note on universal sets. The journal of symbolic logic, vol. 31 , pp. 573–574.P. R. Young - 1967 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 32 (3):395.
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  31. The Doctrine of Double Effect: Philosophers Debate a Controversial Moral Principle.P. A. Woodward - 2003 - Philosophical Quarterly 53 (210):147-149.
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  32. The Natural Rights Republic: Studies in the Foundation of the American Political Tradition.Michael P. Zuckert - 1996
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  33.  53
    Metaconfirmation.Denis Zwirn & Herv� P. Zwirn - 1996 - Theory and Decision 41 (3):195-228.
  34.  68
    Referring Expressions Again.P. T. Geach - 1964 - Analysis 24 (5):172 - 175.
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    On dislocation loops formed in zinc crystals during low temperature pyramidal glide.P. B. Price - 1961 - Philosophical Magazine 6 (63):449-451.
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  36.  10
    Die Megariker: Kommentierte Sammlung der Testimonien (review). [REVIEW]Robin Smith - 1974 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 12 (4):521-522.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Book Reviews Die Megariker: Kommentierte Sammlung der Testimonien. By Klaus D~ring. (Amsterdam : Verlag B. R. Griiner N.V., 1972. Pp. xii q- 185) D~Sring has assembled the first complete collection of textual fragments concerning the Megarian philosophers of the fourth and third centuries B.c., together with a commentary. The fragments are divided by the author into four groups, each centered around one of the better-known figures of the school: (...)
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  37.  44
    The Noncompliant Patient: A Kantian and Levinasian Response.P. Burcher - 2012 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 37 (1):74-89.
    When a patient fails to follow the advice or prescription of a physician, she is termed to be "noncompliant" by the medical community. The medical community’s response to and understanding of patient noncompliance fails to acknowledge noncompliance as either a relational failure between physician and patient or as a patient choice. I offer an analysis of Immanuel Kant and Emmanuel Levinas that refocuses the issue of noncompliance by examining the physician role, the doctor–patient relationship, and the nature of responsibility.
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  38.  15
    Admissibility of AO∗ when heuristics overestimate.P. P. Chakrabarti, S. Ghose & S. C. DeSarkar - 1987 - Artificial Intelligence 34 (1):97-113.
  39. Deep contingency and necessary a posteriori truth.P. Mackie - 2002 - Analysis 62 (3):225-236.
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    Theories of consent.P. Alderson & C. Goodey - unknown
  41.  37
    Recognition memory for common and rare words.P. D. McCormack & Amy L. Swenson - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 95 (1):72.
  42.  19
    Twinning in cadmium dendrites.P. B. Price - 1959 - Philosophical Magazine 4 (47):1229-1241.
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  43.  83
    Epistemic logic, skepticism, and non-normal modal logic.P. K. Schotch & R. E. Jennings - 1981 - Philosophical Studies 40 (1):47 - 67.
    An epistemic logic is built up on the basis of an analysis of two skeptical arguments. the method used is to first construct an inference relation appropriate to epistemic contexts and introduce "a knows that..." as an operator giving rise to sentences closed with respect to this new concept of inference. soundness and completeness proofs are provided using auxiliary three-valued valuations.
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  44.  12
    Energy barriers controlling creep processes in metals with special reference to β-cobalt.P. Feltham & T. Myers - 1963 - Philosophical Magazine 8 (86):203-211.
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  45.  80
    Helmholtz's theory of perception: An investigation into its conceptual framework.P. M. S. Hacker - 1995 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 9 (3):199 – 214.
  46.  56
    Hume's ‘Manifest Contradictions’.P. J. E. Kail - 2016 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 78:147-160.
    This paper examines Hume’s ‘Title Principle’ and its role in a response to one of the ‘manifest contradictions’ he identifies in the conclusion to Book I of A Treatise on Human Nature. This ‘contradiction’ is a tension between two ‘equally natural and necessary’ principles of the imagination, our causal inferences and our propensity to believe in the continued and distinct existence of objects. The problem is that the consistent application of causal reason undercuts any grounds with have for the belief (...)
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  47. Taking rights seriously.P. Barsa - 1996 - Filosoficky Casopis 44 (2):291-305.
  48. Parisian psychology in the mid-fourteenth century.P. Marshall - 1983 - Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 50.
  49.  23
    How information retrieval technology may impact on physician practice: an organizational case study in family medicine.P. Pluye & R. M. Grad - 2004 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 10 (3):413-430.
  50.  9
    Релігійно-філософські домінанти оповідання про потопаючих петра могили та середньовічно-бароковий контекст.P. M. Yamchuk - 2008 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 45:151-159.
    The figure of Peter the Tomb, various aspects of his life and activity, as well as the era called by his name, have long been the subject of study by numerous scholars, comprehensive and meticulous research. It is enough to mention the works of M.Grushevsky, A.Zhukovsky, V.Klimov, A.Kolodny, V.Nichik, O.Sarapin, L.Filipovich and V.Shevchenko, in which the phenomenon of the metropolitan, his spiritual and religious dominant, is thoroughly and thoroughly explained, the influence of P. Mogila's heritage on the past and present. (...)
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